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2023 Varsity Results

The weekend of 24-25 June 2023 saw eleven teams compete for the Varsity trophy. The venues for the weekend include North Oxford Lawn Tennis Club, University Parks, Magdalen College Sports Club, St John's College Sports Ground, and Iffley Road Sports Centre.

The weather conditions (reaching 30C!) allowed most of these matches to be played on grass. Oxford took home five of the trophies, with each results as follows (Oxford - Cambridge):

Men’s Blues: 10-11

Women’s Blues: 15-6

M2: 5-13

W2: 14-7

M3: 7-14

W3: 5-16

M4: 11-10

W4: 16-5

M5: 10-11

W5: 16-5

M6: 8-13

We thank the venues above for allowing us use of their excellent facilities, while supporting this student-run club.

Individual match reports to follow.


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